Relocation and Acceptance

Chamber-of-Commerce Sites (and other City, State, and Province information)
Search for Chambers of Commerce or cities-states-provinces around the world, includes hotlinks to their Web sites and email Addresses.

LinkedIn Salaries

Get a road map here for your job interview.

Moneygeek Cost-of-living Calculator

Most cost of living calculators simply report the salary needed to cover living expenses when you move from one city to another.  This calculator, using data from the U.S. Census bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, shows how income potential differs across geographic regions by occupation choice, along with in-depth demographic data.  You can compare 4 Cities at a time.  This site also offers other great finance information on student loans, credit cards, etc.
Helps find information on salary ranges for a multitude of jobs across America. Using this tool, you are able to find average starting salaries, look at job outlooks, and compare starting salaries in the same field across the country.
The Wall Street Journal’s career site for executives, managers and professionals. A huge free database of compensation tables for thousands of job titles throughout the U.S., Canada and more than 200 countries around the globe. Click on your industry or function in the menu. The data are being provided by the Economic Research Institute (ERI), a top compensation and benefits research firm, and complements the hundreds of salary tables featured on the site, as well as the in-depth articles published each week on hiring demand by function and industry.