Renee Bruck ’12

Renee Bruck always pictured herself as a journalist. Between her curious nature and remarkable writing skills, she decided the fast-paced world of journalism fit her talents perfectly.

Almost perfectly.

After graduating from Franklin College in 2012, Renee and her shiny new journalism degree set out to realize her dream. However, working in the field for a few years dulled that dream.

Renee Bruck“I worked as a professional journalist for about six years. I worked for a daily newspaper. It was a great experience, but it also takes its toll.” – Bruck

Feeling a bit burnt out with the journalism scene, Renee searched for a new direction. Despite having a major in a specialized field, she trusted her skillset would translate into other positions, and it did. Renee landed a position as the Manager of Communications at the Indiana State Museums and Historic Sites.

For her job, she not only oversees the social media for all 12 locations, but she is also tasked with writing and editing blogs and writing grants. It is a lot of writing, but she loves every minute of it.

“The writing skills I had as a journalist made it easy to transition over into marketing and communications for a nonprofit, which is where my heart is, especially working for museums. I was able to combine a lot of my passions into one with this job.” – Bruck

A perfection combination – the job fuses her love for writing with her interest in history, which she minored in while attending Franklin.

Even though working in public relations is not where she envisioned herself, Renee credits Franklin College for giving her the confidence to tackle a new career. She believes Franklin’s diverse liberal arts curriculum equipped her to succeed in any field.

“Franklin really taught me how to be inquisitive about a lot of different things. It wasn’t just one focus. I didn’t focus just on journalism. That liberal arts education gives you a great knowledge base in a lot of different things, which really comes in handy for my job because I have many different things I get to do on a daily basis.” – Bruck

Most people don’t stick with one career or one job for their whole lives. In fact, according to a Bureau of Labor Statistics news release published in August 2019, people hold an average of 12.3 jobs from ages 18 to 52. Yet most colleges prepare you for a narrow scope of jobs. Franklin College’s liberal arts education gives you so many different skills to ensure that you’re ready to take on whatever life throws at you.