Education Major and Minor Requirements

Director of Teacher Education: C. Prather 
Education Technology Specialist: A. Morris 
Department Chair: A. Schulz 
Department Members: L. Jochim 

The Franklin College Education Department programs are approved by the Indiana Department of Education. 

Major: Elementary Education (requires a minor or concentration as noted below) 

Indiana Teacher Licensing Pathways 
1. Elementary: Elementary Education Generalist (grades K-6) requires Elementary Education major and a minor or concentration area 
2. Secondary: Secondary Content Licensing (grades 5-12) requires undergraduate degree in content area and completion of the Transition to Teaching Program upon graduation (For Transition to Teaching Program see Appendix A on page 373) 

Minor or Concentration Area Required for Elementary Education Licensing 
A candidate for Elementary Teacher Licensing in Indiana must complete the Elementary Education major and a minor or concentration area as defined in the state of Indiana Elementary Education Curriculum Requirements. Proof of completed minor or concentration areas is reported to the Teacher Licensing Advisor. Acceptable college minors and concentration areas are those in the following areas: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science (Chemistry, Life Science, Physics), Social Studies (Economics, Government and Citizenship, Historical Perspectives, Psychology, Sociology), Physical Education, Health Education, Fine Arts (Instrumental and General Music, Theater Arts, Visual Arts, Vocal and General Music), World Languages (French, Spanish), Computer Education, and Journalism. 

Concentration areas are only for Elementary Education majors. A concentration is intended to strengthen the licensing candidate in an area related to teaching in an elementary school. A concentration area consists of a minimum of 9 hours within another major area of study, with a required grade of 2.0. Any course with a LA/EDE/EDU prefix is excluded. Activity courses and those with pass-fail designations do not count towards the 9 hours. Concentration areas required for Indiana teacher licensing are tracked by the candidate with the assistance of the candidate’s academic advisor and the Education Department. 

The Elementary Education program at Franklin College focuses on preparing competent, caring decision makers. It is an outgrowth of the liberal arts structure of the college. The foundation of the Elementary Education program is the extensive practical experience that students gain by working with children and experienced teachers in accredited school classrooms. Each Elementary Education Department methods course is tied to a co-requisite field experience. Students acquire knowledge of how children learn, methods of teaching, and the workings of a school community through these experiences. Depth of knowledge is provided by the college’s rich and rigorous liberal arts and departmental curricula. 

Compliance with regulations established by the Indiana Department of Education and state and national accreditors may alter the Education Department policies, curricula, and course content regardless of the date of enrollment at Franklin College. Candidates are advised to work closely with the Education Department academic advisors to keep abreast of any and all changes. 

Academic Advising
Every candidate has an academic advisor who assists with curricular and class scheduling matters and some phases of career planning. While the academic advisors and other personnel are available for assistance, the primary responsibility for taking appropriate and required courses to meet graduation and licensure requirements rests with the candidate. 

Admission Requirements for Elementary Education Major 
To be considered for admission into the Teacher Education Program for fall of the junior year, candidates must submit a formal application to the Education Department. Registration for junior-level courses and application to the program do not guarantee admission to the program. Admission to the Teacher Education Program is a pre-requisite all 300/400 level professional education courses, field experiences, and internships. 

The Education Department evaluates each application according to the admission criteria which include: 

  • cumulative GPA of 3.0 (A=4.00) 
  • no grade below a “C” in any professional education course 
  • satisfactory grades in all education field experiences/internships 
  • passing scores on the department’s dispositional evaluations 
  • documentation of passing scores on nationally-normed, basic skills tests in the areas of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics 
  • successful completion of the following courses: EDE 124, EDU 210, EDE 222, EDE 225, EDE 230, EDE 235, EFE 284, PSY 117, LA 103 or approved MAT substitute, and LA 111 

Candidates admitted to the Teacher Education Program are monitored regularly to ensure that satisfactory progress is being made toward graduation and licensure. To advance in the program, candidates must continue to meet all standards established by the Education Department. 

Transfer Credit for Elementary Education Program 
EDE 124: Critical Skills for Educators, junior-level courses, and senior-level courses are not subject to transfer credit approval. 

Minimum Grades for Elementary Education Program 
A teacher education candidate must receive a grade of a “C” or better in any professional education course. 

Background Clearance Reports for Clinical Field School Placements 
Candidates enrolled in Education Department courses will have many interactions with P-12 students during clinical field experiences and are therefore expected to be law-abiding citizens who can satisfactorily pass the P-12 school’s requirements for a criminal history check. If a clinical field school experience placement request is rejected due to issues with the candidate’s criminal history report or background check, Franklin College has no further obligation regarding placement for that term. 

Acceptance for Elementary Education Student Teaching 
Student Teaching applications must be submitted to the Education Department during the junior year. A Student Teaching placement will be sought only for those candidates who have successfully met all program requirements to date and have been approved for a Student Teaching placement. All coursework required for graduation in the Elementary Education major except EDE 456, EDE 499, and EST 499 must be satisfactorily completed before the start of the student teaching semester.

Additional Fees 
All Education Department clinical field and internship experiences carry a fee as well as many Education Department courses. Fees can be found in the annually updated fees section of the academic catalog. It is the responsibility of the candidate to pay any fees associated with P-12 school experiences. Also, it is the responsibility of the candidate to pay the fees associated with nationally standardized tests that are required for admission to the Elementary Education program; the Indiana pedagogy licensing practice test (prior to graduation); and the Indiana content and pedagogy licensing tests. 

Indiana Licensing Requirements for Elementary Teachers 
Successful completion of the Elementary Education Program enables a program graduate to be eligible for an initial K-6 Elementary Generalist teaching license. To be recommended for an Indiana State teaching license by the Teacher Licensing Advisor, a graduate must submit an on-line license application after meeting all state licensing requirements. The state licensing requirements include, but are not limited to: 

  • Satisfactory completion of 10 or more consecutive weeks of Student Teaching 
  • Passing scores on all standardized tests required for licensing 
  • Proof of current CPR/Heimlich/AED certification per licensing guidelines 
  • Proof of satisfactory completion of Suicide Prevention Training per licensing guidelines 
  • Proof of satisfactory completion of all college and elementary teacher education program requirements including a minor or concentration area 

Note: Official licensing test scores, CPR/Heimlich/AED certification, and Suicide Prevention Training certification must be on file at the Franklin College Education Department along with proof of completion of stated minor or concentration area before an application for teacher licensing will be processed. 

Elementary Education 
The elementary teaching program is based on a broad general education background with a major in elementary education. The program is tightly structured. Consequently, interested students must work closely with their advisors to complete related-area requirements in a timely, sequential manner. Two immersive term internships are required for elementary education majors. 

Elementary Education Major 

Professional Education Requirements: Students must earn at least a “C”
EDE 124 Critical Skills for Educators 
EDU 210 Educational Philosophy, Law, & Ethics 
EDE 222 Child Development and Educational Psychology 
EDE 225 Standards-Based Planning & Digital Learning 
EDE 230 Survey of Exceptional Children 
EDE 235 Teaching English Language Arts-Elementary 
EDU 315 Human Diversity in the Classroom 
EDE 330 Teaching Exceptional Children-Elementary 
EDE 337 Teaching Science-Elementary 
EDE 344 Scientifically Based Reading Instruction (K-3) 
EDE 345 Scientifically Based Reading Instruction (Grades 4-6) 
EDE 366 Teaching Math-Elementary 
EDE 424 Teaching Health & Wellness-Elementary 
EDE 443 Interdisciplinary Unit Planning and Teaching: STEAM-Elementary 
EDE 444 Teaching Social Studies-Elementary 
EDE 456 Seminar in Student Teaching
EDE 457 Assessment and Classroom Management-Elementary 
EDE 499 Senior Competency Practicum 

The following courses 
PSY 117 General Psychology 
LA 103 Quantitative Reasoning or approved MAT prefix substitute (Not CMP 130) 
LA 111 Public Speaking 

Optional Coursework 
EDU 401 CPR/AED/Heimlich Certification for Education Majors 

Field Experiences: A grade of Satisfactory “S” is required in all field experiences. Students must earn at least a grade of “C” in EST 489 Student Teaching. 
EFE 284 Field Experience in Elementary Education 
EFE 384 Field Experience in Elementary Education 
EFE 385 Field Experience in Elementary Education 
EFE 484 Field Experience in Elementary Education 
EST 489 Student Teaching in Elementary Education 

Immersive Term: A grade of satisfactory “S” is required in all internships 
INE 200 Internship in Education 
INE 300 Internship in Education 

Elementary Education Major – Required Minor or Concentration 

Acceptable college minors and concentration areas are those in the following areas: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science (Chemistry, Life Science, Physics), Social Studies (Economics, Government and Citizenship, Historical Perspectives, Psychology, Sociology), Physical Education, Health Education, Fine Arts (Instrumental and General Music, Theater Arts, Visual Arts, Vocal and General Music), World Languages (French, Spanish), Computer Education, and Journalism. See section introduction for more information. 

revised 11-22-21