John Boardman, Ph.D.

“I enjoy sharing my love of mathematics and statistics with my students by demonstrating the utility of these subjects. I particularly enjoy conducting independent studies with students that incorporate R programming in solving real-world problems in field biology and business.”


Professor of Mathematics

Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Northern Illinois University – DeKalb, IL
  • M.A., Northern Illinois University – DeKalb, IL
  • B.S., Northern Illinois University – DeKalb, IL

Year Joined Franklin



My training was in the areas of functional analysis and topology, which I still enjoy. More recently I have developed an interest in statistics, specifically numerical ecology and time-series analysis. I have collaborated on research on bogs and barrens with colleagues in field biology. Also, I have been doing some consulting work for a national graphics company, including forecasting their monthly revenues for the past two years.

What careers are open to mathematicians?

The career possibilities for mathematicians are almost endless. I have known mathematicians who have pursued careers as systems analysts, professional statisticians, actuarial scientists, engineers, physicians, lawyers, business owners, and teachers.

Selected Professional Accomplishments


“Rolling the Dice.” Math Day Presentation, Franklin College, November 2015.
“Statistical Analysis and Modeling using R.” Mathematics Colloquium, Morehead State University, November 2014.
“Modeling the Ability of a Major League Infielder.” Annual Mathematics and Statistics Conference, Miami University, September 2013.
“Ordination Methods for Numerical Ecology.” Mathematics Colloquium, Wabash College, October 2012.


Samuel Bender, Anthony L. Swinehart, and John Boardman, Seventeen years of change in two Sphagnum bogs in Noble County, Indiana, Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, Volume 121, Number 2, 2012.
John Boardman, Dan Hrozencik, Miyeon Kwon, Irfan Ul-Haq, and Aklilu Zeleke, Using Population Models in the Teaching of Eigenvalues, DIMACS Educational Module Series: 07-3, 2007.
Timothy C. Pitts and John P. Boardman, Clustering and Dispersion of Duopolists in a Linear Market, Geographical Analysis 30, 1998.
John P. Boardman and Xiaobo Hu, Institutional Constraints in American China Policy-Making: The Role of the U.S. Presidency, Appears as Chapter 3 of the text “Interpreting U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations: China in the Post-Cold War Era”, University Press of America, 1998.
John P. Boardman, Quasi-measures on Completely Regular Spaces, The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 27, 1997.


The Clifford and Paula Dietz Award for Faculty Excellence (2018), Franklin College
The Faculty Steering Committee Distinguished Service Award (2011), Franklin College
Faculty of the Month (April 2006), Franklin College
Project NExT – IN Fellow (2004-2005)
Emily Daugherty Award for Teaching Excellence (2002), Hillsdale College

What Students Say

“Dr. Boardman made class intriguing and interactive. Because of him, I’m pursuing a future in applied statistics.”- Hannah McIntosh ’18

In My Spare Time…

In addition to my love of mathematics and statistics, I enjoy coaching my son’s travel soccer team and following the Bundesliga (German soccer league) on TV. My favorite team is Dortmund, and my favorite player is Marco Reus.