Disability Services

Franklin College is committed to providing equal access to students with disabilities. Reasonable and appropriate accommodations will be provided to students with disabilities to ensure equal access to academic programs and other college-sponsored activities. It is the responsibility of the student to identify themselves to the Associate Dean for Student Success and formally request accommodations. To receive classroom accommodations, students should:

  1. Send a request for accommodations to the Associate Dean for Student Success.
  2. Participate in an initial meeting with the Associate Dean for Student Success to discuss reasonable accommodations. Please bring any available documentation to that meeting.
  3. Once an accommodations memo has been created, the memo will be submitted to faculty members.

Disability Services Accommodation Policies and Procedures (PDF)

Disability Services Appeal and Grievance Procedure (PDF)

For more specific information on the Americans with Disabilities Act, please see the ADA’s official Website. In addition, you can also read a helpful pamphlet entitled Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities on the U.S. Department of Education Web site.