Meet Macey Dickerson ’15: Artist, Optimist, Nature Enthusiast and Podcast Fan
Campus News

Dickerson shares a glimpse of her recent works, the artistic process and the positive messages she’s channeling through her creative impulses.

What is the significance of the mural you did for Wessels Co.?

“Wessels (worldwide manufacturer of water tanks for HVAC systems) was looking for a colorful mural with minimalist design to revitalize a wall, 108 feet by 20 feet, at their headquarters in Greenwood (Indiana). I worked with the marketing team to create a unique and timeless design that incorporated water motifs and some of their most popular products.

“I also recently painted a mural for Natura Wellness, a store on Water Street in Franklin (Indiana). This was a fun project because Kelly Doerr, the owner, gave me free rein on the design. After meeting Kelly and getting a sense of the space, I painted a tree, 12 feet tall, with chakra centers on its trunk encircled by glowing orbs.

“I enjoyed how collaborative these projects were. It’s an honor to help a client transform their space so that it reflects their unique vision.”

What sparked your interest in art?

“I have enjoyed creating art since I was a child. I showed some talent from a young age and was privileged to refine my skill by enrolling in after-school art programs and taking lessons at local art centers as I grew up.”

What is your intent as an artist?

“I use paintings as a way to punctuate a period of inner transformation. After I have undergone a personal realization, I feel compelled to express it visually. I find a lot of meaning in taking a new found internal truth and externalizing it.

“My aim with VibeHigh (herb-infused jewelry) is to create wearable pieces of art that help people to be intentional about their mood and mindset. I do this by using resin to inlay herbs and flowers in laser-cut wood. The herbs that I incorporate are ones that I have chosen for their symbolic meaning (rose for love, lavender for peace, mustard seed for faith, etc.). I think of these pieces as a visual reminder to bring peaceful loving energy to every moment of the day. By being intentional about our own attitudes, we participate in manifesting a more kind and beautiful world.

“In both jewelry and painting, I like to explore mystical themes using an organic aesthetic. I’m in love with finding the divine in the ordinary and trying to reveal the intangible through the tangible.”

How did Franklin College help prepare you for a career as an artist?

“I majored in fine arts with a minor in psychology. Fine arts classes were very important to helping refine my artistic skills. David Cunningham (associate professor of art) set high expectations that pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me develop the self-discipline needed to create art for a living. Dr. Svetlana Rakic’s (professor of art) course, The Spiritual in Art, was foundational for my spiritual growth, which fuels and sustains my creative impulse.”

What is your favorite form of artistic expression?

“The main mediums I work in are digital design, canvas art, murals and jewelry. Each has its unique challenges, and it’s hard to pick a favorite!”

What artwork has been the most inspirational for you?

“I have been really inspired by all of the public artwork since George Floyd’s murder (killed May 25, 2020, during an arrest for allegedly using a counterfeit bill). Artists have the opportunity and the obligation to contribute our talents for the greater good. It is so heartening to see creatives get involved and activated. All of these new murals across the country demonstrate the power of art to reflect and inspire social change.”

What are your hobbies/interests?

“One of my biggest hobbies is listening to podcasts and audiobooks while creating art. I also enjoy spending time in nature.”


Find Macey Dickerson Arts on Etsy.  She is offering alumni and friends a 10 percent discount on VibeHigh jewelry in her Etsy store.  Use the code GRIZGRAD at checkout.


Republished from the Franklin College Magazine

Written by Alexa Shrake ’23, Pulliam Fellow

POSTED Jul 14, 2021